A 90 Day Roadmap: Grow Your Personal Brand

A set of daily actions that you can practice to grow your personal brand.

Are you ready to supercharge your personal brand and take your real estate journey to the next level? Well, you're in the right place because we've got an epic 90-day plan that's going to do just that.

We are here to guide you through a series of daily actions designed to help you define your brand, deepen your engagement, and strategically scale your reach in the real estate world. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this plan has got something for everyone.

So, let's dive in and make the next 90 days the most transformative of your real estate career!

Day 1 to Day 30: Focus on defining your brand

Here is systematic plan for real estate investors to build your personal brand over 30 days involves crafting daily actions that focus on personal branding, content creation, networking, and market engagement. Here’s a suggested 30-day sequence:

Day 1: Define your unique value proposition in real estate. What sets you apart? Write it down.

Day 2: Create a professional bio that includes your unique value proposition and real estate expertise.

Day 3: Update your LinkedIn profile with your new bio and a professional photo.

Day 4: Write a short post on LinkedIn about a recent real estate trend and your thoughts on it.

Day 5: Identify 5 key influencers in real estate on social media and follow them.

Day 6: Engage with posts by those influencers with insightful comments.

Day 7: Draft a blog post or article on a real estate topic you're passionate about.

Day 8: Publish your article on LinkedIn or your personal blog.

Day 9: Share your article on all your social media channels.

Day 10: Reach out to a real estate peer for a virtual coffee chat to discuss market trends.

Day 11: Post a real estate market analysis or insight on social media.

Day 12: Identify a local real estate networking event to attend.

Day 13: Engage in a LinkedIn group discussion related to real estate.

Day 14: Share a personal real estate investment success story on social media.

Day 15: Create an Instagram post with a tip for real estate investing.

Day 16: Film a short video discussing a common real estate investment mistake and how to avoid it.

Day 17: Post your video on YouTube and share it on social media.

Day 18: Write a testimonial for a real estate service you recently used and post it online.

Day 19: Start a conversation on Twitter about an emerging real estate market.

Day 20: Send a newsletter to your email list with your recent articles and market insights.

Day 21: Ask for feedback on your content from your audience on social media.

Day 22: Host a live Q&A session on Facebook or Instagram about real estate investing.

Day 23: Connect with a new real estate professional on LinkedIn and introduce yourself.

Day 24: Share a case study of a successful real estate investment on LinkedIn.

Day 25: Write a thank-you email to a mentor or colleague in real estate.

Day 26: Plan a webinar or online workshop on a real estate topic.

Day 27: Announce your upcoming webinar/workshop on social media and to your email list.

Day 28: Engage with followers who commented on your recent posts.

Day 29: Review the analytics of your social media to understand what content is most engaging.

Day 30: Reflect on the past 30 days, write down your achievements, and plan next month's branding activities.

Each prompt is designed to be actionable and simple enough to be executed within a day, ensuring a gradual but consistent building of the real estate investor's personal brand. This sequence incorporates elements of content creation, social media engagement, networking, and self-reflection.

Day 31 to Day 60: Deepening engagement and networking

Continuing the sequence from Day 31 to Day 60, we'll focus on more advanced strategies for building a personal brand in real estate. This phase will involve deeper engagement, content diversification, strategic networking, and leveraging insights for business growth.

Day 31: Identify a new real estate niche or trend to explore and write a brief overview.

Day 32: Start a mini-series of posts on this new niche or trend.

Day 33: Reach out to an expert in this niche for a collaboration or interview.

Day 34: Host a live discussion on social media about your chosen niche with the expert.

Day 35: Create an infographic summarizing key points from the live discussion and share it.

Day 36: Write an article reflecting on what you learned from the expert and post it online.

Day 37: Start a LinkedIn group or Facebook group focused on this real estate niche.

Day 38: Engage with members of your new group by starting a discussion thread.

Day 39: Plan and outline an eBook or guide on real estate investment strategies.

Day 40: Connect with a local real estate agency for a potential partnership or guest blogging.

Day 41: Share a personal story related to real estate that teaches a valuable lesson.

Day 42: Conduct a poll on social media to understand your audience's interests in real estate.

Day 43: Analyze the results of the poll and share your insights in a post.

Day 44: Begin writing a section of your eBook or guide.

Day 45: Interview a successful real estate investor and share the insights on your blog.

Day 46: Create a short video tutorial on a specific aspect of real estate investing.

Day 47: Post the video tutorial on your YouTube channel and share it on social media.

Day 48: Write a press release about a significant achievement or milestone in your real estate journey.

Day 49: Research and write about an emerging technology impacting real estate.

Day 50: Share a case study of a challenging real estate investment and how you overcame it.

Day 51: Plan a small local event or meetup for real estate enthusiasts and advertise it online.

Day 52: Launch a podcast series on real estate investing and promote the first episode.

Day 53: Collaborate with another real estate professional to co-write an article.

Day 54: Develop a detailed market analysis report and offer it as a download on your website.

Day 55: Organize a webinar addressing a common problem in real estate investing.

Day 56: Share behind-the-scenes content about your day-to-day life as a real estate investor.

Day 57: Create a comprehensive FAQ section on your website about real estate investing.

Day 58: Connect with a university or educational institution for a guest lecture opportunity.

Day 59: Draft and send out a press release about your upcoming webinar or event.

Day 60: Reflect on the last 60 days, assess the growth in your network and brand, and plan for scaling up your strategies.

This sequence aims to deepen the founder's expertise, expand their network, and solidify their reputation as a thought leader in the real estate space. The focus is on creating diverse content, engaging with a wider audience, and leveraging different platforms for maximum impact.

Day 61 to Day 90: Strategic engagement and scaling your reach

For Days 61 to 90, as the audience grows and the foundation for personal branding in real estate strengthens, the focus will shift towards more strategic engagement, scaling the reach, and solidifying the position as a thought leader. This phase will include advanced content strategies, expanded networking, and leveraging the growing audience for greater impact.

Day 61: Analyze which types of content have been most effective and plan more of that type.

Day 62: Start a bi-weekly newsletter focused on in-depth real estate analysis.

Day 63: Collaborate with a real estate magazine or online platform for a guest article.

Day 64: Organize a virtual roundtable discussion with other real estate experts and promote it.

Day 65: Participate in a real estate podcast as a guest speaker.

Day 66: Develop a case study of a recent successful real estate deal and share it.

Day 67: Launch a series of webinars focusing on different aspects of real estate investing.

Day 68: Introduce a 'Real Estate Investment Tip of the Week' series on your social media.

Day 69: Start working on an advanced real estate investment course or workshop.

Day 70: Reach out to local community organizations for a real estate investment talk or seminar.

Day 71: Feature a client or colleague's success story and how you played a role in it.

Day 72: Conduct and publish an interview with a renowned figure in the real estate industry.

Day 73: Create an interactive tool or resource for your website visitors (e.g., ROI calculator).

Day 74: Organize an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on your biggest social media channel.

Day 75: Start a mentorship program for new real estate investors.

Day 76: Develop a whitepaper on a cutting-edge real estate topic and publish it.

Day 77: Create a 'day in the life' video of a real estate investor and post it online.

Day 78: Host a collaborative event with a non-real estate brand or influencer.

Day 79: Offer a free consultation session for followers interested in real estate investing.

Day 80: Write a guest post for a well-known business or finance blog.

Day 81: Create a detailed guide on a specific type of real estate investment and offer it to your subscribers.

Day 82: Host a workshop or talk at a local university or business school.

Day 83: Launch a targeted ad campaign on social media to promote your most popular content.

Day 84: Participate in a real estate investment panel discussion or forum.

Day 85: Collaborate with other real estate professionals on a joint webinar or podcast episode.

Day 86: Start a monthly real estate investment challenge or contest for your followers.

Day 87: Publish a comprehensive market forecast report and share it with your network.

Day 88: Initiate a charitable event or initiative related to real estate and community development.

Day 89: Compile and share a list of valuable resources for real estate investors.

Day 90: Reflect on the past 90 days, evaluate your growth, and set goals for the next quarter.

This sequence is designed to leverage the established audience and network, offering more in-depth content and engaging in activities that reinforce the individual's position as a real estate investment authority. The focus is on diversification, collaboration, and providing substantial value to both new and existing followers.


And there you have it, my friends, a comprehensive 90-day roadmap to building your personal brand in the world of real estate. From defining your unique value proposition to deepening your engagement and scaling your reach, these daily actions will set you on the path to becoming a true thought leader in the field.

Remember, building a personal brand takes time and dedication, but with consistent effort and a strategic approach, you can achieve remarkable results. So, go out there, implement these actions, and watch your real estate journey soar to new heights. We can't wait to see the incredible progress you'll make in the next 90 days!